Ensuring ADA Compliance in Educational Digital Signage

Ensuring ADA Compliance in Educational Digital Signage

Ensuring ADA Compliance in Educational Digital Signage   In today’s fast-paced world, educational digital signage has become an integral part of our lives. From elementary schools all the way through colleges and universities, educational digital signage helps...
Press Release: Brighton High School Hall of Fame

Press Release: Brighton High School Hall of Fame

Press Release: Brighton High School Hall of Fame Brighton High School Hall of Fame Introduces Two Digital Hall of Fame Solutions! Brighton High School, [Brighton, NY], [January 2020] – The Brighton High School Hall of Fame proudly unveils its dual cutting-edge digital...
Press Release: SUNY Cortland Hall of Fame Sign

Press Release: SUNY Cortland Hall of Fame Sign

Press Release: SUNY Cortland New Interactive Screens for College SUNY Cortland Introduces Two Interactive Screens for College to Celebrate Athletic Excellence Cortland, New York – [May 2022 ] – In a collaborative effort, Touch Hall of Fame powered by Empire Digital...

The Ultimate Guide to Interactive Hall of Fame

TOUCH HALL OF FAME Replace old trophy cases, wall plaques and banners to Interactive Hall of Fames and digital trophy cases giving hallways a digital transformation!   WHY TOUCH HALL OF FAME? We are changing the world one hall of fame at a time! Old dusty trophy...
College Hall of Fame

College Hall of Fame

College Hall of Fame Touch Hall of Fame powered by Empire Digital Signs has designed interactive touch screens nationwide! We address the issue of high schools and colleges running out of space for their plaques, while giving their hallways a digital upgrade! College...